Web developers are very much in demand now, because business profits directly depend on the usability of a company’s digital product.

Course syllabus
In four months, you’ll learn the basics and move on to more advanced stuff.

Introduction to Web Development
In the first four months you will get the basic knowledge of HTML and CSS layout and learn the languages for frontend and backend – JavaScript and PHP. Make a few simple projects to practice your skills.

You will study:
Visual Studio

Create a modern news list page using your own developed styles.

Introduction to Development
You will be immersed in a web developer’s work environment, learning how to work with Visual Studio and the GIT version control system
Working with the Visual Studio source code editor and the command line
Solving algorithmic problems with flowcharts and object descriptions
Creating Documents Using the MarkDown Language
Using GIT for version control
Outcome: Create a tutorial on how to use GIT and post it on GitHub.

Basic Layout
You will learn how to create primitive web pages, connect styles to HTML, work with layers and selectors
Basics of HTML, the structure and elements of a web page, and basic attributes
CSS syntax, simple and combined selectors, pseudoclasses and pseudoelements
Colors and dimensions in CSS, block model of the document, layers, positioning
Result: Create a modern news list page using your own developed styles.

Basic Frontend
You will learn how to use basic data types and algorithmic constructions, work with events and DOM, connect JSON
Working with the browser console, variables and constants, working with the DOM and events
Numbers, Strings and Operations
Conditions and Boolean Variables
Cycles, Arrays and their Methods
Functions, objects, JSON connection
Result: Create a calculator, a guessing game, a reference book, and a random user data generator.

Basic Backend.
You get to grips with the basic concepts of PHP programming
Basics of PHP, PHP developer tools, local web server
Basic algorithmic constructions and data types
Sending data and files to a server
Creating Authorization on the Site
Result: Set up a local server, learn how to process forms and send data and files to the server.