Javascript Basics
This is the start. Here you will learn the basic syntax of the Javascript language. This is where you will get your first bruises and get acquainted with variables, loops, functions, logical operators and other basic Javascript constructs.

HTML + CSS Basics
In this module you will learn the basic constructs of the HTML markup language and the CSS style language.

Git and Terminal
Terminal is one of the main tools of any developer. In this module you will get acquainted with the basic commands of the terminal, as well as learn what the Git version control system is and how to use it.

HTML + CSS Advanced
Everyone can codify! In this module you will deepen your knowledge in layout, deal with pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements, consider the basics of the Sass preprocessor, and also get acquainted with the BEM methodology. And as a cherry on the cake – you will make a landing page for your portfolio!

Javascript Basics Extended
Shall we continue our acquaintance with Javascript? Time to look at strings, numbers and loops from the other side. Oh, and the objects are just worth … And for dessert – another portion of tasks for additional practice!

Javascript Advanced
Now let’s deepen our knowledge and consolidate the base in practice. We will learn to work with GitHub and get feedback from mentors on the written code. We will learn how to make interfaces not only beautiful, but also functional! We will make the first request to the server and much, much more!

We already know Javascript. Now it’s time to make our code more predictable and secure, and development more enjoyable. In this module you will learn what static typing is and how TypeScript is useful for developers.

We are breaking into the world of frameworks and UI libraries. It’s time to get acquainted with one of the most popular libraries in frontend development. In this module, you will learn what the component approach to development is, as well as develop your first interactive interface and create work for your portfolio!

What’s up with management? Let’s see how to use the Redux library in conjunction with the React library to manage the overall state of your application. Let’s stop waking up in a cold sweat from the word “reduxer”. Or let’s start…

How the Web Works
Every day you interact with the Internet in one way or another. But have you ever thought about how the World Wide Web works? In this module we will help you understand how our devices interact and exchange data on the network and what the Internet is in general.

We polish resumes, letters of recommendation and profiles in professional social networks. We work with the vacancy database. We pass test technical and non-technical interviews. We learn to communicate with recruiters. We pass a real interview. Accept the offer. We go to work.

Algorithms and Data Structures
Did you order algorithms? In this module we will get acquainted with various data structures and algorithms. We’ll learn how to traverse trees better than the son of a mother’s friend, sort arrays with quick sort speed, create a hash map and not only stand in a queue, but also implement it. And this is just a small part of what awaits you in this module.

SQL Basics
In this module you will get acquainted with the concept of a database, as well as learn what types of databases exist. You will look at how information is stored in relational databases and learn how to write SELECT queries to retrieve the information you need in the desired form. After completing the module, you will know what INNER JOIN is and what it is used for, you will be able to sort and group data according to the necessary criteria, as well as apply various functions of a particular database. So, let’s get started!

Well, have you already mastered the frontend? Then it’s time to start writing servers in Javascript! In this module you will dive into the world of Node.js and backend development, learn how to create an API and authorize a user. You will also work with database and WebSocket, write tests, deploy projects and much more.

Object Oriented Programming
In technical interviews, beginners are often asked about Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and its basic principles. In this module, you will learn the basics of OOP and other things you might be asked about.

Javascript Testing
Testing is important! But the more code you have, the more you need to test each time. Automation can greatly simplify this process.