Programming languages for creating games are some of the most developed and in demand in modern society. The great popularity of games on PC, android and other systems make them a very valuable commodity, which, with a competent advertising campaign and good implementation in general can bring a lot of money and opportunities for further development.

Computer games appeared almost immediately with the very beginning of the IT industry. Everlasting dream of computer enthusiasts was to create programs that can play chess, and with more or less normal development of technology this task was quickly solved. A special heyday of the game industry came in the early 2000’s, when many people began to appear powerful and relatively inexpensive personal computers. Now the games are still popular with children and many adults.

In recent years, there has been a shift of users towards smartphones and other smart gadgets, but the game programming industry has not gone anywhere – it has followed the same way and offers a diverse and exciting entertainment. If one also wants to pursue this topic, one should definitely figure out which programming language to choose for writing games. Let’s try to do this.

The most popular languages in GameDev
There is a very large number of programming languages and many of them can be adapted to the task of creating games. But the most widespread and popular in this direction are the following languages:

  • С++. A very diverse and functional language, the study of which requires considerable effort, perseverance and real interest. This is a statically typed compiled programming language that supports the main paradigms: object-oriented, generalized, procedural programming. An important advantage of C++ is a very large standard library including a lot of useful features: input/output, multithreading, convenient algorithms and containers. The language is able to function on a variety of platforms, it combines well with other development tools, which makes it a versatile and win-win option to create games;
  • C#. C Sharp is also great for game development. As a game language, it has many important features and advantages. It is a fully object-oriented language developed in the bowels of Microsoft. C Sharp’s syntax is very close to that of the whole family of C languages as well as Java. It is mainly used to develop games for the PC, and more specifically, the .NET Framework. The language supports polymorphism, operator overloading and has static typing. C# capabilities are quite enough to develop a full-fledged game: its logic, architecture and other important elements. C languages for game programming have been used for a long time and are generally very successful;
  • As for the development of games for mobile, especially on the operating system Android, it will have to learn a language such as Java. It is he is able to cope with the creation of the logic of the game, its mechanics and other important nuances. Java helps to work with many threads, which is very important for games and for Android itself. It’s also a language that allows for easy interaction with device memory, which is also important in games.

Why do we need these programming languages for games? Because they are able to give the most effective set of tools for developing games and the realization of the ideas of the programmer here will be the most complete. You can also use other languages, but they are more likely to work in other areas or only on some parts of the game development. Also, these languages interact well with other programs, which necessarily have to be used to create the game. This is a graphical design, the use of the engine and audio accompaniment, and many other nuances.